Outing Myself (no, not that! *grin*)
who know me well. I have native or native-like proficiency in English
and in ASL. I love both languages and I always prefer the original
language to a translation. I'd rather watch TV with CC than watch an
interpreter signing the episode, and I'd rather watch signing in a vlog
than read the subtitles (if any). By the same token, I'd rather use the
language others are using in a given situation than deal with
translation. I hated grad school, hate interpreted plays, watch a person
talking instead of the interpreter, prefer IM relay to video relay, et
cetera, all because I want direct access in the same language that's
being used.
It is for all these reasons/factors that cueing intrigues me. I'd love
to be able to go to a conference, workshop, class, or whatever, and get
info directly in English without a 'terp butchering the translation. (No
offense to 'terps out there!) I'm in love with the idea, and as a
skilled lipreader and one who has a facility (and propensity!) for
picking up languages easily, I see this as doable.
I can also see this working alongside ASL in the school system, albeit
with caveats covering stuff like equal respect for ASL, cueing limited
to very specific situations, etc, etc. I disagree with Hilary's
assertion that fingerspelling would be rendered unnecessary.
Fingerspelling plays a crucial role in ASL and in English acquisition.
And no, I don't have citations at the moment - I'm on a train, writing
this from my pager. My problem is that I feel like I'm betraying my
ideals - ASL can be, and is, successfully used to teach English. (No, no
citations, but I do have an unpublished paper by Jim Cummins laying out
the evidence, citing research from more than a handful of researchers at
work.) This would have to be explored, researched, and discussed
carefully before proceeding to incorporate cued speech in the classroom
on a large scale.
So where does this leave me?
I'm outing myself as a cued-speech-curious person with questions. I'd
love answers.
1. Research on cued speech in Bilingual settings? Details, details!
2. What is the learning curve and feasibility for someone learning CS as
an adult and using transliterators in place of 'terps for complex
3. Stories from adult CS learners? Advice?
Anything would be so appreciated!
(Written in response to this entry:
note: written on my pager
At 15:40,
Anonyme said…
Intriguing! I know that from grad school some schools are considering using Cued as a way to teach English, and use ASL for ASL instruction. That way kids have access to spoken English via Cued.
Another option for accessing spoken English is visual phonics. They use that at Kendall... according to this website: http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/KidsWorldDeafNet/e-docs/Keys/see.html
Nice post, by the way! :)
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