Random Thoughts and Musings by moi

Musings by a feisty, opinionated Deaf gal who wants nothing but the best for her community and her people

jeudi 7 août 2008

A Metaphor for Life?

My family was at the pool this morning, when someone nudged me, chuckling, and asked me to look at the guy in the next lane. The guy had two tufts of hair near his temples and they were standing up on end, with a slight curve to each, resembling devil's horns. She said, "Doesn't he look like the devil?" He DID! He had a very dark complexion, dark hair, and a very intense look on his face.

A bit later, she nudged me again, saying, "Now that's a metaphor for Life: You're in the water of Life, going along, with the Devil in the next lane." *chuckle*


  • At 07:29, Blogger X.A.B.A said…

    i have a deaf sister and i know the letters so its not an utter diaster talking to her but i just can't seem to trigger her insides yet seeing your blog gives hope and i love you for being the voice.

  • At 18:29, Blogger moi said…

    :) Anytime! Thank you for letting me know - I really appreciate that.


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